Friday, August 29, 2014

i saw miracles

miracles happened this week.  2 huge ones.

the first

it rained almost every night this week.  temperatures were completely in my favor.  it was bliss.

the second

yesterday  i mosied into the chapel, put my bag down and started shaking peoples hands.  i start in the same spot every week.  the back right corner, then a counter clockwise direction.  i had almost made it full circle when i stopped dead in my tracks, jaw dropped and joy jumping in my heart.  it was B.  she had been there the whole time, just took me 10 minutes to realize it.  she was waiting to see my reaction.  the moment i saw her, i just got so teary eyed like a baby and hugged her so tight.  she's coming to church and is intending to get baptized, no more procrastination.

i just sat there and smiled so big.  no words.  it was the best moment and i just let it soak in.  the reality of B sitting next to me in church was so satisfying.

I couldn't help but thank Heavenly Father over and over again for answering the countless prayers on her behalf.


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