T's Baptism!!! |
These weeks are going by slower... does it feel like that in America too? But regardless- time is still moving and so is the work.
Sister L is a hard worker. I'm so grateful for that. We push each other. Tagalog is still rocking my world. It's hard not to get discouraged. But at this point i'm just hoping that one day... i'll know it.
The baptisms went well! T and Mk are now official members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Mas kilala sa tawag na mormons. They loved that they can call themselves that now. Mk is actually getting the priesthood on Sunday. Radical right? I'm so proud of him.
This week was slow and kind of uneventful. But I want to share a quick story that really humbled me and made me so grateful for my life.
So Sister V (I told a story about her a few months back about her and her smoking habit). Anyways- one of her sons is in the hospital with stage 5 chronic Kidney Disease. He's expected to die. And he's been in the hospital for the last two weeks now. We stop by their house everyday when we are passing by, and just say hi and we ask to teach her on the days that she's home. Sometimes she's willing to listen- sometimes she's not. But without fail... we go there every day.
Yesterday, like always, we were passing by and stopped to see if anyone was home. I felt like at this point, we had just become burdensome and annoying. But Tay (her husband) came and we asked him about their son... got the updates and just had small talk. He then told us that Sis V was asleep. So sister L- being the champion that she is, said, "Tay- we're here to teach you." (we really weren't..and we had nothing prepared. but if you follow the spirit... you can do anything.) So he let us come in.
They are a very poor family. living in a very humble home... and this time we went in and sat down, and Tay repeatedly apologized for having no electricity. Which means no electric fan... or light. He explained that the hospital bills are so expensive they cannot pay their bills. so Sister V (who was supposedly "sleeping") came out and lit a candle for us and set it down so we could read from our scriptures. We sat with Sis V, Tay and one of their sons and engaged in open conversation. Sister L looked to me at one point like... 'Ok- what do we teach?' so I quickly fumbled through my scriptures and stopped at Ether 12:6. Tay read it for us. Which lead to a great opportunity to testify of faith and trust in Heavenly Father. He really opened up to us. It's been years since he's been to church.
As we were ending the lesson he looked at us and with tears in his eyes said, "Don't give up on us just yet. We will come back to church together one day."
Sister L then replied, "We would never give up. We will always be there waiting for you."
It was such a spiritual experience. It opened my heart. It was just such a pure example of reality and trust. Trust Heavenly Father. He knows us best. He knows us. Really. He'll help us too.
It opened my mind to life. Like... life gets busy and in the way. But like it talks about in the scriptures, this life is our time to prepare to meet God.
We get so distracted with things that aren't important. At the end of the day, we go to bed with everything on our mind and panicked for how we can accomplish it. And most of the time its of all the things that aren't truly important... but why? We should end each day with gratitude. With thanks to Heavenly Father and with a humble heart of realization that if we are keeping the commandments, we will be ok. It's a promise.
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