Monday, September 9, 2013

She Taught Me How

Sister Perlas and I, Our last church day together
It's transfer week...

That means a few things.

1.  On Wednesday, I will have been in the field for 12 weeks.  I will have officially finished my training on Wednesday.
2.  Sister Perlas will be getting transferred...I don't want to think about it.
3.  The AP called me last week and informed me of the "Good News!"  I will be training  a new missionary fresh from the MTC for the next two cycles.


I will have just finished my training for a total of about 30 seconds before I have to pick up a greenie and take her for a 12 week ride around Santiago.  Help.

I'm scared to death.  Because I don't know a lot.  I don't know how to pay the water bill, or tell the tricey driver how to get back to our house when it's late and we're all the way over in Maligni.  I don't know how to talk to people in Tagalog.  I don't know how to train a missionary.

I feel awful, but this new missionary is going to be training me more than I'll be training her.  Ever since I got word that I would be a trainer, I have been praying for whoever she is...that she'll be patient with me.  That she will accept my weaknesses and be willing to help me as I try to help her.  That she is safe and excited to get here.  I have been praying for the courage and the strength to love her unconditionally.  I have been praying to be happy and to take this opportunity as one that will help me become a better missionary...and person altogether.

I have 5 1/2 days to think this one through...and these are the enlightening thoughts I have concluded:
-What better way to really toughen up and learn a few things than to be stranded in the middle of the Philippines, not knowing . . . anything:  I mean...this will definitely force me to truly grow.
- now that I'm in charge, I guess I'm going to finally have to learn this language (fingers crossed that my trainee is Filipina).
-and ultimately - I've really talked this one through with Heavenly Father and told him I'm handing it all over to Him.  I think we've got a deal going:  If I do my best, if I'm obedient and patient, He will take care of me.  I mean...I'll take this opportunity and run with it.

I read the book Our Search for Happiness, by Elder M. Russell Ballard, and it talks about the Gospel (obviously).  It's an incredible book.

Wanna know a deep secret?  My whole life, while blowing out my birthday candles, when I see a shooting star, when it's 11:11, or when there's an eyelash on my face, I've made the wish that I would 'be happy.'  So naturally this book looked appealing when I read the cover.  I thought, "Sure.  I'm looking for happiness.  I'll give it a go."  Well, I'm an idiot - because you see - I am happy.  I am happy.  And I now finally understand that - so lame, I know.  It took coming on a mission in the Philippines to recognize it.  But, better late than never, right?  Do you want to be happy?  cause I know how you can be.

That's so cool.


I was reading Elder Henry B. Eyring's last conference talk, "Come Unto Me."  He said a few things that were exactly what I needed.  Especially now.  We all need it actually.  It's applicable to everyone:

"You will have the comfort of His love and feel the answer to His drawing closer as you reach out your arms in giving service to others.  As you bind up the wounds of those in need and offer the cleansing of His Atonement to those who sorrow in sin, the Lord's power will sustain you.  His arms are outstretched with yours to succor and bless the children of our Heavenly Father."

awesome, right?

On a pity note:  I think I ate frog this week.  I mean...why buy food when you can wait for it to rain and capture the hundreds of little tail-less amphibians for free?  Cause then all one has to do is grill it up, and put some soy sauce and rice in the cooker, and there you have it folks.  The classic filipino gourmet palaka.

I love you all.
Thanks for all the prayers and the support.
I am so blessed to have the family and friends I do.
I'm also so blessed to be here. 
All is well.
-Sister Frame

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