Monday, October 28, 2013

Hymn 172

Happy Halloween everyone!...we don't have Halloween here.  I've just been listening to Christmas music the last two months.  It's getting old.  Thankfully, the weather is actually cooling down.  It's now in the mid-70's.  I don't have to sleep with an electric fan 3 feet away from my bed anymore.  

Sister L. and I worked especially hard this week, and we saw miracles.

On Tuesday, we were walking around town, laughing, telling jokes as always - trying to talk to everyone we see, and we got to one of our investigator's barangays.  We fully expected to get always, but...

As we were walking through the Alley, we saw this Nanay who popped her head out and smiled (with no teeth - which made it even sweeter).  She asked us what we were teaching.  We started talking to her about how we are missionaries.  She mentioned that she saw us a few weeks before when we were walking through the rain -the day before the typhoon - and she thought to herself, "They must have something important to do if they are out in this weather."  Then, the next day, she had a heart attack!  She said at the hospital she realized that she's not ready to die, and that there's more she needs to do in her life.

So when she saw us, she felt the strong prompting to talk to us...and here we all were.  Right away we started getting to know her and teaching her about the Gospel.  And once again - I saw firsthand the truthfulness of the promise that Heavenly Father has promised us - 

that He does prepare people and He does send them our way.

Also...there are many beggars here.  Unfortunately.  This last week Sister L. and I went to McDo's for breakfast for our six week anniversary - ok, in celebration of us finishing our first six weeks together. It was about 7:00 am, and as we sat down, I noticed this barefoot boy sitting on the curb right outside.  He waited there with a whistle in his hand for cars or triceys to come, and he would direct them into a parking spot or help them back out, in hopes that he would get a peso for a tip.

I watched this for a while, no longer hungry, and I know he was staring at me in return, too.  But he wasn't staring at me like every other beggar that wants money, he was just looking at me like I was another human being.  Like I was his sister or something.  There was so much depth.  Sister L. and I ordered some more pancakes and hash browns and took them out to this boy.  As I sat down next to him, I asked how old he was.  15.  I then asked where his parents were.  Not around.  I just pictured Davis in his position, and my heart literally ached.  If this was my little brother sitting on the curb directing cars from sun up to sun down for money, I would pray that somebody, anybody would do something nice for him.

His name is C.  He's the politest person I've ever met.  And all day long I could not stop thinking about him.  Each night I pray that he finds a safe place to sleep.  Every time L. and I see him around town now, we buy him some food.  This week our goal is to invite him to church.  There's no harm in an invitation.

That's a taste of some of the people I came in contact with this week.  The Philippines is incredible, right?  These people - so humble, and I have much to learn from them.

I'm grateful to be a missionary.  It's so hard.  But, it's an experience that is priceless.  It's rewarding, and the most humbling thing I've ever been apart of.

Thanks for the updates and love.  Mahal kits.  Syempre.

Favorite Scripture:  Alma 7:11-13

-Sister Frame

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