First things first - I had zone conference this week. My last. It was good. very spiritual. I'll have you know that Sister Rahlf is literally one of the greatest people in the world. She has so many things that I admire about her. Qualities that I want so badly. Every time she talks I'm just pierced to the very soul with the Spirit. Every. Time. I want that.
I had some pretty radical experiences with people that are less active in church this week. I actually have my whole mission. These people are honestly my favorite people to teach. I mean, I'm not happy they're less active - but there is something about them. Teaching them is incredible. You never know what the outcome will be or how you will exactly help them - but it's a chance to 'wrestle with the Spirit.' every time! I mean, these people already know the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and they have already had a testimony - It's a chance to help them rekindle that desire or find that truth again. It's unpredictable, but it's miraculous. You get to watch that spark light up their face again. You can see it in their eyes.
I get choked up thinking about it. This week, I had a chance to see that spark again in a person's eyes. The joy that you feel for them is so overwhelming. It makes me weak with gratitude just thinking that I had the chance to be a part of it. There have been a handful of lessons with less active people that I've experienced in my mission that have made it all completely worth it (and many other experiences too - but, ya know).
S. and I lately discovered that we can go a long time wearing the same outfit. We coordinated it to where we can wear the same 2 outfits in one week. We just switch it up depending on what area's we go to. Only our housemates have noticed. and it's cut down my load of hand washing about 87%.
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wash day, take 2 |
I don't know why it took me 18 months to realize I can do this - i mean, the Elders do it everyday. but it's been so good to me these last 3 weeks. ha. pathetic.
I don't know if it's just the adversary trying to make his debut in the last bit, but he's definitely been trying hard to make his mark this past week. So many people have been rude to us- harassing, chastising, yelling, the works! Come On People.
Luckily though 1. I can understand what they are saying and 2. communicate back (politely, of course). 3. add a spice of sarcasm in a very sly way if necessary.
Last night there was a group of boys that were saying the most corrupt things to us as we were walking by. My companion turned and, in English, said, "oi! slow your roll." I was very impressed - and like magic - they did. But, being Christlike is at the top of our we're...trying.
Anyways - it's a hard pill to swallow...that this is my last week. I'm not thinking about it...because when I do - I cry. I have a solid 4.5 more days to work my area to the ground. I'm trying to cherish every second.
I mean....this whole being a missionary thing - it's the greatest.
-Sister Frame