There's Sister V., in her 50's and so sweet. She's been less active for about 5 years because she has a problem smoking, and for some reason, never really felt like coming to church. The first week I was here, we visited her (I was kinda just a deer in the headlights and had no idea who we were teaching, where we were going, or what I was doing). But, the first Sunday I remember my companion freaking out with excitement because Sister V. was at church.
She comes to church each week now.
We have gotten very close to her. She is incredible. We often catch her smoking when we go visit her - and - we have taught her many lessons on the Word of Wisdom. But this week - I was really contemplating on how we can show her how much we care about her and how badly we want her to stop smoking - not just because it's a commandment and all that missionary protocol.
So, I took a shot in the dark.
I mean...I've never had to kick a smoking habit, but I tried to think and remember ways I've heard of people quitting the old cigarettes. So, on our way to her house, we pass a grocery store. Sister P. and I went inside and looked around - I had no idea what I was looking for really, but naturally I was drawn to the candy aisle (a little for myself, let's be honest). But the idea came to me. I started grabbing bags of Mentos - all flavors. Sister P. looked at me disgusted: "You cannot be expecting to lose weight if all you continue to eat is candy." I said, "No, I think it's for Sister V." So retarded, I know, but I bought her a few bags. We went to her house, and I pulled the bag out, set it in front of her and just looked at it. She said, "What's this, Sister?" I replied, "You're gonna stop smoking." (It was so demanding....but not too rude). Then I proceeded to say, "When you want to smoke, (and I said this pointing to her pack and lighter sitting right behind her), try and just eat a candy instead. Try it for one day. Just see if you can do it for one day."
Then, she just started crying - I didn't know if I offended her or what....ok, I didn't. But, I think it got through to her...
that we actually care for her. As Sister V. We love her and want her to stop smoking not just because she is supposed to.
But because we have a place for her as an individual in our hearts.
It was such a testifying experience of love and the power that is can have.
Now, Sister V. has a daughter in law - D. She's 18 and about 7 months pregnant. The most incredible and sweetest girl in the world. We met her while we were visiting Sister V. She just came in and listened, and we've been teaching her ever since. She is so ready and cannot wait to get baptized.
Yesterday, at church, she came and put her arm around me as we walked into Sacrament Meeting and she said in broken English,
"Sister Frame, I am so grateful for you. Thank you for teaching me everything you know about Jesus Christ."
That right there almost made me drop dead. Seriously? It was exactly what I needed to hear. Cause sometimes I feel uncomfortable at church here. Ha - so bad to say, I know. But church is stressful for so many reasons - praying the whole time that your investigators will show up, feeling judged because I don't know Tagalog - some Sunday church blocks are just exhausting. What D. said to me - it made every embarrassing moment that day worth it. oh my gosh. I just looked at D. and said, "Danica, Thank You! You have changed my life more than you know. And You have taught ME about Jesus." I just love that girl so much.

Remember John Paul - the one that had a baptism date for yesterday....but he moved a few weeks ago? Well, one day when we were teaching him about the Atonement, I noticed this girl sitting in the background on the steps listening to us. The next time, Sister P. approached her. She was SO shy. Her name is N. She explained that she liked the way that we explained the Atonement, and she was so touched and understood it clearly. We started teaching her right after John Paul it was a miracle. A golden investigator traded for another golden investigator. Although she was so so so shy, she had many questions. She listens. She reads and wants to learn. She is so receptive.
And she is going to get baptized August 17.
Her sister moved in with her....N. started talking about the church with her, and she started listening to us also.
I think back to the time when I was so sad John Paul left. I still am. But Heavenly Father had it all in the works. We've met these incredible people. I'm so grateful for that.
As for weather and language - like, blah. It's so hot....The other day it was so sunny out and within 2 1/2 minutes, a downpour! We were in Tramo and it's all dirt roads. There was so much rain. My umbrella was useless. My feet were completely emerged into the mud up to my ankles, the noise of the rain hitting all the tin roofs and smacking the mud was so unbelievable loud, and I stopped dead in my tracks, looked up at the sky, and couldn't help but laugh. Like, it hit me: "I'm caught in a rainstorm, soaking wet, so muddy, in the middle of the Philippines...on a mission." These are the kind of experiences I could only imagine just three months ago. And now I'm living it. It was unreal. It felt good.
I made it the entire day, July 23, without anyone knowing it was my birthday. and honestly, I forgot really. The best part of the day was that I reached my goal of finishing the Book of Mormon on that day.
That book has changed my life. I've read it before, and I'll read it many times again, but the way that it influenced and changed me as a person this time around I will never forget. That book is TRUE! I hold it so dear to my heart. I want everyone I come in contact with to have the same feelings that I have for it for themselves.
Because if they did - I know that they would be happy, and they would come to know their Savior Jesus Christ and His love for us on a level that can't be felt or learned without reading it.
Be happy! We have so many reasons to be.
We have gotten very close to her. She is incredible. We often catch her smoking when we go visit her - and - we have taught her many lessons on the Word of Wisdom. But this week - I was really contemplating on how we can show her how much we care about her and how badly we want her to stop smoking - not just because it's a commandment and all that missionary protocol.
So, I took a shot in the dark.
I mean...I've never had to kick a smoking habit, but I tried to think and remember ways I've heard of people quitting the old cigarettes. So, on our way to her house, we pass a grocery store. Sister P. and I went inside and looked around - I had no idea what I was looking for really, but naturally I was drawn to the candy aisle (a little for myself, let's be honest). But the idea came to me. I started grabbing bags of Mentos - all flavors. Sister P. looked at me disgusted: "You cannot be expecting to lose weight if all you continue to eat is candy." I said, "No, I think it's for Sister V." So retarded, I know, but I bought her a few bags. We went to her house, and I pulled the bag out, set it in front of her and just looked at it. She said, "What's this, Sister?" I replied, "You're gonna stop smoking." (It was so demanding....but not too rude). Then I proceeded to say, "When you want to smoke, (and I said this pointing to her pack and lighter sitting right behind her), try and just eat a candy instead. Try it for one day. Just see if you can do it for one day."
Then, she just started crying - I didn't know if I offended her or what....ok, I didn't. But, I think it got through to her...
that we actually care for her. As Sister V. We love her and want her to stop smoking not just because she is supposed to.
But because we have a place for her as an individual in our hearts.
It was such a testifying experience of love and the power that is can have.
Now, Sister V. has a daughter in law - D. She's 18 and about 7 months pregnant. The most incredible and sweetest girl in the world. We met her while we were visiting Sister V. She just came in and listened, and we've been teaching her ever since. She is so ready and cannot wait to get baptized.
Yesterday, at church, she came and put her arm around me as we walked into Sacrament Meeting and she said in broken English,
"Sister Frame, I am so grateful for you. Thank you for teaching me everything you know about Jesus Christ."
That right there almost made me drop dead. Seriously? It was exactly what I needed to hear. Cause sometimes I feel uncomfortable at church here. Ha - so bad to say, I know. But church is stressful for so many reasons - praying the whole time that your investigators will show up, feeling judged because I don't know Tagalog - some Sunday church blocks are just exhausting. What D. said to me - it made every embarrassing moment that day worth it. oh my gosh. I just looked at D. and said, "Danica, Thank You! You have changed my life more than you know. And You have taught ME about Jesus." I just love that girl so much.

Remember John Paul - the one that had a baptism date for yesterday....but he moved a few weeks ago? Well, one day when we were teaching him about the Atonement, I noticed this girl sitting in the background on the steps listening to us. The next time, Sister P. approached her. She was SO shy. Her name is N. She explained that she liked the way that we explained the Atonement, and she was so touched and understood it clearly. We started teaching her right after John Paul it was a miracle. A golden investigator traded for another golden investigator. Although she was so so so shy, she had many questions. She listens. She reads and wants to learn. She is so receptive.
And she is going to get baptized August 17.
Her sister moved in with her....N. started talking about the church with her, and she started listening to us also.
I think back to the time when I was so sad John Paul left. I still am. But Heavenly Father had it all in the works. We've met these incredible people. I'm so grateful for that.
As for weather and language - like, blah. It's so hot....The other day it was so sunny out and within 2 1/2 minutes, a downpour! We were in Tramo and it's all dirt roads. There was so much rain. My umbrella was useless. My feet were completely emerged into the mud up to my ankles, the noise of the rain hitting all the tin roofs and smacking the mud was so unbelievable loud, and I stopped dead in my tracks, looked up at the sky, and couldn't help but laugh. Like, it hit me: "I'm caught in a rainstorm, soaking wet, so muddy, in the middle of the Philippines...on a mission." These are the kind of experiences I could only imagine just three months ago. And now I'm living it. It was unreal. It felt good.
I made it the entire day, July 23, without anyone knowing it was my birthday. and honestly, I forgot really. The best part of the day was that I reached my goal of finishing the Book of Mormon on that day.
That book has changed my life. I've read it before, and I'll read it many times again, but the way that it influenced and changed me as a person this time around I will never forget. That book is TRUE! I hold it so dear to my heart. I want everyone I come in contact with to have the same feelings that I have for it for themselves.
Because if they did - I know that they would be happy, and they would come to know their Savior Jesus Christ and His love for us on a level that can't be felt or learned without reading it.
Be happy! We have so many reasons to be.